In a Houston Chronicle article last Tuesday I found out about electrical stimulation of the spinal column that seems to ease cardiac problems without the use of drugs. A Houston surgeon implanted a device and wire in a Pearland man that will electrically stimulate portions of his spinal cord. It activates nerves that will improve his heart’s ability to pump effectively, lowering blood pressure, reducing irregular heartbeats and stops stress hormones from overreacting and causing cardiac damage.
In the article they say there is considerable data showing connections between the brain, nervous system and heart and that until now no one has taken advantage of this relationship therapeutically.
Wow!! I have been getting chiropractic adjustment since I was 2 years old, working for a Network Chiropractor for 13 years and being a massage therapist who works on my clients nervous systems and spines for over 15 years. I have been the recipient and facilitator of miraculous changes by adjusting the nervous system. Everyday when I work on my clients I am working with their brain, nervous system and the connections to all of their organs.
And I am thankful for this research and the depth of help to the many people whose lives will be saved and changed because of it.